Friday, September 21, 2012

Children Born Out Of Wedlock...

Culturally, children born out of wedlock are no longer subject to stigmas that they were historically and certainly were and are in no way responsible. The parents of children born out of wedlock have both a moral and legal duty to provide for and parent their children. This is true even if the parent was a minor who was illegally seduced by an adult.
Thankfully, in my legal practice, I am finding that fathers of children born out of wedlock desire to parent their children and provide support. However, there are exceptions, which place a unfair burden on the mother.  The law provides a prompt financialremedy.
On the flip side, there are cases where the mother seeks to exclude the father from seeing and parenting his child.  The law provides a prompt remedy in that situation as well.
I am committed to helping individuals facing problems in connection with parenting time and child support, which occur both in and out of the marital setting.
If you need help or know of someone in need of help, then please have them contact me for a legal consultation and, if appropriate, legal action.
I would also like to hear your comments regarding situations involving these issues.

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